Saturday, January 30, 2010

Making money by working at home using only google.

I know you’ve all seen the scams where they start telling you it’s with Google then at the bottom of the page, once they have told you of the millions they made then they always want you to buy something, right? Well here is the thing I don’t want you to buy anything. I am going to tell you how to make money with Google with no cost to you at all. I will tell you now this won’t make you a millionaire over night so please done quit your job before finishing this page.

The first thing you have to do is create a Google ad sense account, you can do this by going to Google Adsense, once you apply for the account Google will review the info and le you know in a couple of days if it has been approved or not. Once the ad sense account is ready to go you come right over to and create a blog or 50 of them for all anyone cares, have fun with it. At you can blog about anything here look through a couple of mine from my profile at My Blogs, now once you have the blogger account set up you just create your first blog, now Google has already set it up where combining your blogger and ad sense account is as easy as 1 2 3. Ok so now you have the blog created you just go to layout, then add gadget, then select ad sense and make sure you publisher info is correct and the ads your putting up belong to you.

Now you must be thinking wow that was too stinking easy, well your right it’s easy, but there is still one small catch, you have to bring your own traffic in. Don’t worry I won’t leave high and dry there, here is what you do. Create a MySpace account at My Space, a face book account from Facebook, and a twitter account from Twitter Now these accounts won’t run themselves so at this point just go crazy adding friends of all sorts that may have some interest in your blog. Once you get a large base of friends and devoted followers now you can begin to put comments up or put links in your status and such.

Now let’s talk about the potential earnings. First thing is those $4,500 checks you see on the other websites, those people are you using sites they have owned for years, they didn’t start last night like you and I did. What I am getting at here is that when your earnings start at less than $1 per day don’t get discouraged, just remember the more pages with your ads that exist the more likely it is that someone will see them. I have my ads on more than 100 sites web wide, some domains I own, some blogger blogs and various other blogs and home pages I have throughout the web. The trick to making bigger bucks is to find those words that you can target your ads to that make the most money and use them when you can. Examples of good words I have used are Credit, Credit Repair, Debt, Sex, LGBT, just to name a few.

Now lets talk about how can become part of Google's network and people can find you in searches. The cut and dry is don't pay for people to get you here it takes the same amount of time. On average it will take your blog or site about 4 to 5 weeks before it will show up in a search, the only way to ensure you are there fast and furious is to get your site linked to every site possible, so when you answer a question on yahoo questions post your link, put comments on other blogs with your link in it. Some people may not like you doing this but just remember they had to go through the same thing. The only way to get that good word of mouth advertising is to cut a few corners and get some publicity. You can also create profiles with MSN, Yahoo and other chat groups and just chat with people, put your links in your profile and watch the blogger's just come to ya. Another good technique to go to DMOZ and submit your link to them, they will add you to their engine, which is where Google gets a lot of its crawls from.

And lastly don't burn yourself out, take a break sometime and spend some time with friends who knows what great ideas they may have just waiting to be published in a blog or on a site. And you can publish ad-sense to others peoples sites if you want so if your friend has a site or a blog and don't use ad-sense ask him to let you put your ads there. Never hurts to ask, and who knows it might be your big break. Ask any questions you want or leave any comments, and by all means feel free to put a link to your site or blog at the bottom of mine.